We exist to change the face of teen travel

and to create a community who shares this vision.

There are over 40 transferrable social, educational, and career life skills that are learned while traveling.

With Ignite Travel it’s not just about where you’ll go, but how that experience will change you along the way.

We create meaningful, fun, and affordable travel experiences for teens

At Ignite Travel, teens get more than a vacation or a school trip. They get the best travel experiences and a unique travel journal to record their experiences and help them show what they learned during their adventure. With Ignite Travel, you get real travel experiences that include fun and exciting activities, opportunities to learn, an introduction to local culture and foods and .those expected tourist hot spots in a given location.

Not a teen anymore but love to travel? We can’t do it without you!

Our mission is to diversify the face of teen travel. We have a particular focus on reaching marginalized teens who experience socio-economic barriers to travel. When you come on an adult trip with Ignite Travel, part of your fee is a donation to support teen travel. You get an amazing trip and also help provide for a teen who might otherwise never get to see our world’s amazing places.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.”

– Mark Twain


Ready to Go?

Drop your information below to learn more about our available trips, our travel scholarship program or how you can get involved in supporting our work.